Browsing Artikler (Articles) by Title
Now showing items 54-73 of 195
Encountering God in the theologies of Paul Tillich and Karl Rahner
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Widely regarded as the most influential theologians of the 20th century, Paul Tillich and Karl Rabner are existentialists rooted in the tradition of classical German idealism. Although they come from two different religious ... -
Environmental pediatric physiotherapy and risky play: making the case for a perfect match
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Environmental physiotherapy is epistemologically anchored in the critical recognition that physiotherapeutic practice is fundamentally embedded within a planetary ecological framework, demanding a holistic, systemically ... -
Etikk i praksis: Barn med samspillsvansker og medvirkning i barnehagen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)In recent years there has been a trend promoting "children’s right to participation". The point of departure for the article is qualitative data material collected from three day-care centres in Norway. The main objective ... -
Exploring materiality as a driving component when co-creating fantasy worlds
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The aim of this article is to investigate how paper materials can be used as a dramaturgical premise when co-creating a fantasy world together with kindergarten children. Four exploratory workshops were carried out with a ... -
Extending the Field of Extended Language: A Literature Review on Figurative Language Processing in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
(Journal article, 2021)Figurative and extended uses of language are nonliteral utterances such as irony, sarcasm, and idioms and comprise a core part of social interaction. Children with typical development (TD) show a progressive adultlike ... -
Extending the field of extended language: A literature review on figurative language processing in neurodevelopmental disorders
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Figurative and extended uses of language are nonliteral utterances such as irony, sarcasm, and idioms and comprise a core part of social interaction. Children with typical development (TD) show a progressive adultlike ... -
Femåringers motoriske kompetanse og fysiske form
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Barns fysiske form kan gi en indikasjon på deres helse og ha betydning for deres sosiale ferdigheter, selvoppfatning og læring. Hensikten med denne studien er få økt kunnskap om sammenhengen mellom femåringers fysiske form ... -
Fletværk. At flette sammen – en artikel om bærekraft / bæredygtighet / hållbarhet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Resumé. Denne tekst er et fletværk, skabt af 4 fletsøstre. Fletværket er blevet til med et ønske om at lade kulturelle hverdagspraksisser, tanker og ord flettes fra forskellige nordiske lande. Et flet, der undersøger ... -
Foreldres posisjonering i møte med barnehagelæreres fagkunnskap. En studie av foreldresamtaler i barnehagen.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen baserer seg på en studie av åtte foreldresamtaler i to norske barnehager der vi undersøker hvordan foreldre posisjonerer seg i møte med barnehagelærerens fagkunnskap. Som teoretisk ramme for artikkelen har vi ... -
Four- to six-year-old children’s experiences of participating in different physical environments and activities in early childhood education and care institutions in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Children’s well-being in early childhood education and care (ECEC) is associated with their participation in both planning and assessing ECEC activities. The aim of the study presented here was therefore to explore children’s ... -
Fra bildebok til barneteater
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen følger en devised teaterproduksjon for barn som tar utgangspunkt i en bildebok av Lisa Aisato, En fisk til Luna (2014). I produksjonens forprosjekt benyttes en referansegruppe fra en barnehage bestående av ti ... -
From interactivity to intra-activity in performing arts for children.
(Journal article, 2022)This essay introduces dilemmas and experiences of making interactive theatre for children based on findings from the SceSam Project. This artistic research project bridged artistic practice and theoretical perspectives on ... -
Gender matters: male and female ECEC practitioners’ perceptions and practices regarding children's rough-and-tumble play (R&T)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The aim of this study was to explore Norwegian early childhood education and care (ECEC) practitioners’ perceptions and practices regarding children’s indoor and outdoor rough-and-tumble play (R&T) from a gender perspective. ... -
Genetic Rescue of the Highly Inbred Norwegian Lundehund
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Augmenting the genetic diversity of small, inbred populations by the introduction of new individuals is often termed “genetic rescue“. An example is the Norwegian Lundehund, a small spitz dog with inbreeding-related health ... -
A GoPro Look on How Children Aged 17–25 Months Assess and Manage Risk during Free Exploration in a Varied Natural Environment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-21)Research indicates that risky play has positive effects on children’s development, learning and health, and ability to assess and manage risk, but there is a lack of knowledge on how toddlers engage in risky play. This ... -
Gripes mulighetene? Om lesestunder med de yngste barna i barnehagen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Studien retter seg mot høytlesningspraksiser i barnehagen, og belyser samspillet rundt bøker som finner sted mellom barnehageansatte og barn, avgrenset til småbarn (0–3 år). Til grunn for diskusjonene er et videomateriale ... -
Guided play: From instruction to creativity when constructing automata
(Journal article, 2020)Play is a very important activity for children development and there are evidences that it can be an added value when used for educational purposes. Research about how to integrate play in education points to the importance ... -
Gut microbiome dysbiosis is associated with host genetics in the Norwegian Lundehund
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-06-19)A group of diseases have been shown to correlate with a phenomenon called microbiome dysbiosis, where the bacterial species composition of the gut becomes abnormal. The gut microbiome of an animal is influenced by many ... -
Gutten og pappesken. Barns bruk av rom i Svein Nyhus' bildebok Verden har ingen hjørner
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Svein Nyhus er en av de mest sentrale bildebokkunstnerne i Norge gjennom de siste tjue årene, og har laget en rekke kritikerroste bildebøker sammen med Gro Dahle. De vant Brageprisen for beste barnebok i 2002, for bildeboka ... -
Harassment in ECEC institutions: 4- to 6-year-old children’s experiences
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There are limited studies involving preschool children and phenomena such as harassment, bullying, exclusion and rejection. This study explores the relations between 4- to 6-year-old children’s experiences of being frequently ...