Blar i Bøker og kapitler (Books and chapters) på forfatter "Sæther, Morten"
Er jeg musikalsk? Barnehagelærerstudenters oppfatning av egen musikalitet
Torgersen, Jan Ketil; Sæther, Morten (MusPed: Research;, Chapter, 2021)This article presents results from a quantitative study of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) student teacher’s relationship to music and musicality. Survey data was collected among first-year students at a university ... -
Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research
Angelo, Elin; Knigge, Jens; Sæther, Morten; Waagen, Wenche (Chapter, 2021)Welcome to the anthology Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research. This anthology is the second publication in the scholarly series MusPed:Research and concerns the field of higher education. The anthology ... -
Å synge eller ikke synge. Om hva som skal til for at barnehagelærere og andre ansatte i barnehagen vil synge
Bæverfjord, Hanne; Sæther, Morten (MusPed:Research;6, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)Through many years as music teachers at ECEC education we have experienced that students and ECEC institution staff feel uncomfortable singing when fellow students are listening. In this research project we have examined ...