Blar i Publikasjoner fra Cristin - DMMH på emneord "VDP::Fagdidaktikk: 283"
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Bruk av video i barnehagelærerutdanning. En analyse av seerdataene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)En del pedagoger mener at studentaktiv undervisning fremmer studentenes læring bedre enn tradisjonell formidlingspedagogikk. For fire år siden startet vi derfor en prosess med å ta i bruk omvendt undervisning som en metode ... -
Mapping Spontaneous Cooperation between Children in Automata Construction Workshops
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This work analyzes spontaneous cooperation between children who participated in Automata for STEM, European Union-funded Erasmus+ project workshops. Taking into account the characteristics of automata, that involve a ... -
Using self-made automata to teach STEM in early childhood teacher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In recent decades, an increasing number of countries have integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) into their curricula for early childhood education and care (ECEC). In contrast to this trend, ... -
ViduKids - Kindergartenkinder produzieren mathematische Videos
(Journal article, 2023)Mathematik im Kindergarten? Gibt es das? Für viele ist es unverständlich, dass sich bereits Kindergartenkinder mit sowas abstraktem und schwierigem wie Mathematik beschäftigen können und sollen. Doch Mathematik ist schon ...