Browsing Artikler (Articles) by Author "Thiel, Oliver"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Before, During, and After Examination: Development of Prospective Preschool Teachers’ Mathematics-Related Enjoyment and Self-Efficacy
Blömeke, Sigrid; Thiel, Oliver; Jenssen, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article examines the stability of Norwegian prospective preschool teachers’ enjoyment of mathematics and their mathematics-related self-efficacy before, during, and after a teacher-education examination. In addition, ... -
Bruk av video i barnehagelærerutdanning. En analyse av seerdataene
Thiel, Oliver; Hanssen, Signe Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)En del pedagoger mener at studentaktiv undervisning fremmer studentenes læring bedre enn tradisjonell formidlingspedagogikk. For fire år siden startet vi derfor en prosess med å ta i bruk omvendt undervisning som en metode ... -
Guided play: From instruction to creativity when constructing automata
Bidarra, Graça; Vaz-Rebelo, Piedade; Thiel, Oliver; Alferes, Valentim; Silva, Isabel; Barreira, Carlos; Santos, A.; Almeida, Jorge; Machado, I; Conceição, A.; Bartolleti, Corinna; Ferrini, Francesca; Josephson, Joel; Kostova, Nelly (Journal article, 2020)Play is a very important activity for children development and there are evidences that it can be an added value when used for educational purposes. Research about how to integrate play in education points to the importance ... -
Heads-on, hands-on, hearts-on: Educators' perceptions on ViduKids contributions to integral education
Vaz-Rebelo, Piedade; Bidarra, Graça; Costa, Conceição; de Almeida Evangelista, Simone; Santos, Vanda; Thiel, Oliver (Journal article, 2022)The integral development of the child is nowadays one of the goals of education, which implies the use of activities and strategies that involve the various dimensions of the human being in a comprehensive way. This paper ... -
Mapping Spontaneous Cooperation between Children in Automata Construction Workshops
Bidarra, Graça; Santos, Anália; Vaz-Rebelo, Piedade; Thiel, Oliver; Barreira, Carlos; Alferes, Valentim; Almeida, Joana; Machado, Ines; Bartoletti, Corinna; Ferrini, Francesca; Hanssen, Signe Marie; Lundheim, Rolv Sigmund; Moe, Jørgen; Josephson, Joel; Velkova, Veneta; Kostova, Nelly (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This work analyzes spontaneous cooperation between children who participated in Automata for STEM, European Union-funded Erasmus+ project workshops. Taking into account the characteristics of automata, that involve a ... -
Mathematikangst bei angehenden frühpädagogischen Fachkräften: Bedeutsam für professionelles Wissen und Wahrnehmung von mathematischen Inhalten im Kita-Alltag?
Jenssen, Lars; Thiel, Oliver; Dunekacke, Simone; Blömeke, Sigrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Die Fähigkeit, mathematische Inhalte in Spielsituationen der Kindertagesstätte zu identifizieren, um diese für eine angemessene Förderung mathematischer Kompetenzen bei Kindern zu nutzen, kann als ein wesentlicher Bestandteil ... -
Using self-made automata to teach STEM in early childhood teacher education
Thiel, Oliver; Lundheim, Rolv Sigmund; Hanssen, Signe Marie; Moe, Jørgen; Vaz-Rebelo, Piedade (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In recent decades, an increasing number of countries have integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) into their curricula for early childhood education and care (ECEC). In contrast to this trend, ...