Browsing Artikler (Articles) by Author "Nygård, Mette"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Barnehagen - en inkluderende fellesarena? Om minoritetsspråklige barn i barnehagen
Nygård, Mette; Korsvold, Tora (Journal article, 2009)I denne artikkelen setter vi fokus på minoritetsspråklige barns språkopplæring og språkstimulering i barnehagen. Et overordnet tema er hvordan det i barnehagen skapes rom for inkludering i praksis, som det å beherske et ... -
Kvalitet i læring i barnehagen : en analyse av styringsdokumenter fra OECD og Norge
Nygård, Mette (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)I denne artikkelen gjøres det en sammenligning mellom styringsdokumenter for barnehagen fra henholdsvis Norge og OECD. Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i OECD-rapporten Quality Matters in Early Childhood Education and Care. ... -
Pedagogiske identiteter i norsk barnehagepolitikk fra 1970–årene og fram til i dag
Nygård, Mette (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The purpose of this article is to illuminate various pedagogic identities in Norwegian White Papers directed to Early Childhood Education and Care institutions. In this article, I present a study of eight White Papers ... -
Silence, resistance, and acceptance? An analysis of early childhood education and care policy in Norway
Korsvold, Tora; Nygård, Mette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The main purpose of this article is to explore and develop a basic understanding of a new formulation of children’s learning within ECEC policies in Norway. In the Nordic Countries, one question of importance is the shift ... -
The Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care institution as a learning arena: autonomy and positioning of the pedagogic recontextualising field with the increase in state control of ECEC content
Nygård, Mette (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)When the responsibility for ECEC institutions was placed under Ministry of Education and Research in 2006, the ECEC institution as a learning area was brought in to the foreground in early education and care policy. Norwegian ...