Browsing DMMH Brage by Author "Bjerklund, Monica"
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Diagnoser knyttet til atferdsforstyrrelser og følelsesmessige forstyrrelser i barnehagealder : muligheter, begrensninger og risiko
Bjerklund, Monica (Chapter, 2017)Utgangspunktet for denne artikkelen er å utforske diagnosebegrepet og hvordan diagnoser knyttet til atferdsforstyrrelser og følelsesmessige forstyrrelser benyttes overfor barn i barnehagealder. Atferdsforstyrrelser og ... -
Kulturell bærekraft - praksiser i samiske barnehager
Åmot, Ingvild; Bjerklund, Monica (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)I Norge går ca. tusen barn i samiske barnehager (Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2016). I denne artikkelen utforsker vi hvordan samiske barnehagers verdiforankring kan settes i sammenheng med begrepet kulturell bærekraft. Vi bygger ... -
Language revitalization in Sámi Early Childhood Education and Care institutions
Bjerklund, Monica; Åmot, Ingvild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-09)The aim of this study in seven Sámi Early Childhood Education and Care institutions (ECECs) is to explore how we can understand language revitalization strategies in Sámi ECECs in the light of socio-cultural theories on ... -
Outdoor activities promoting mental and physical health and well-being in Sámi Early Childhood Education and Care institutions
Bjerklund, Monica; Åmot, Ingvild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-10)This article explores the current situation of outdoor play for children in Sámi Early Childhood Education and Care institutions (ECECs) in Norway. The main objective is to discover how Sámi ECEC practices contribute to ... -
Supporting Children's Psychosocial Well-Being in sami ECECs
Bjerklund, Monica; Åmot, Ingvild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Our aim is to investigate how Sámi early childhood education and care institutions (ECECs) contextualise their work to support psychosocial well-being among children aged 4–6. We have conducted seven qualitative interviews ...