Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin - DMMH by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 164
Spesifikk visuell trening som pedagogisk metode med fokus på øyebevegelser som påvirker barns lesing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Lesing er en komplisert prosess med mange ulike komponenter. Barn er av-hengige av å kunne lese for å fungere godt i hverdagen. Denne studien fokuserer på lesehastighet og øyemotoriske bevegelser hos en gruppe skoleelever ... -
Observasjones betydning i den profesjonelle praksis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Denne artikkelen presenterer tre barnehagelæreres forståelse rundt observasjon, og hvordan de bruker observasjon i egen profesjonelle praksis. Fremstillingen er i hovedsak basert på ulike teoretiske tanker fra Michel ... -
The Role of Self-Esteem in the Development of Psychiatric Problems: A Three-Year Prospective Study in a Clinical Sample of Adolescents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Self-esteem is fundamentally linked to mental health, but its’ role in trajectories of psychiatric problems is unclear. In particular, few studies have addressed the role of self-esteem in the development of attention ... -
Identifying and characterizing risky play in the age one-to-three years
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)While research has investigated risk-taking in play for children from the age of four years upwards, less is known of risky play with children under four years. A small-scale observational study with children from five ... -
«Hun er ikke så flink til å dele». En alternativ tilnærming til sosiale normer om deling i barnehagen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)At barn skal lære å dele med hverandre, er en del av barnehagens hverdag. Hva som menes med deling og hvordan sosiale normer om deling finner sted i barnehagen, risikerer derimot å bli tatt for gitt i hverdagen. Som forsker ... -
Before, During, and After Examination: Development of Prospective Preschool Teachers’ Mathematics-Related Enjoyment and Self-Efficacy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article examines the stability of Norwegian prospective preschool teachers’ enjoyment of mathematics and their mathematics-related self-efficacy before, during, and after a teacher-education examination. In addition, ... -
A Continuum Deconstructed: Exploring how Day-care Staff’s Discursive Practices Construct Children as Possibly Impaired
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Based on interviews and fieldwork in Norwegian day-care institutions, I examine day-care staffs’ descriptions of children suspected of, but not (yet) diagnosed as, having impairments. The main research question is: how do ... -
Care relationships at stake? Home healthcare professionals' experiences with digital medicine dispensers - a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Although digital technologies can mitigate the burdens of home healthcare services caused by an ageing population that lives at home longer with complex health problems, research on the impacts and consequences of ... -
Psychiatric Problems and Quality of Life in a Clinical Sample of Adolescents - The Role of Peer Relations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background: The quality of peer relations is linked to mental health in childhood and adolescence, but few studies have investigated its clinical relevance. In particular, the potential mediating role of peer functioning ... -
Herrenes historie, igjen?
(Journal article, 2018)Når noen av dagens voksne, kvinnelige historikere møtes, hender det at vi mimrer om vår egen tid som hovedfagsstudenter. Vi tenker tilbake på et historiefag som var sterkt mannsdominert. Det fantes få fast ansatte kvinnelige ... -
The Polyphonic Embodied Self and Educational Organization: A Case of Theory Transplantation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10)Building on Bakhtin’s theories of polyphony and carnival, the article develops the concept of the polyphonic embodied self and uses it to suggest ways of rethinking educational organizations. The article examines a special ... -
Supportive indoor environments for functional play in ECEC institutions: a strategy for promoting well-being and physical activity?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The physical environment in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institutions provide children with possibilities for play. This study describes a physical environmental intervention aiming to increase the possibilities ... -
Barn med og uten funksjonsnedsettelser og deltagelse i forskergrupper – når og hvordan kan ulike kvalitative forskningsmetoder få alle barn til å delta i forskning?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen diskuterer når og hvordan det er mulig å engasjere barn med og uten funksjonsnedsettelser til deltagelse i forskning i barnehager. Gjennom empiriske eksempler fra det å drive forskergrupper med barn analyserer ... -
Emerging empowerment of international students: how international student literature has shifted to include the students’ voices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Social isolation has been a central focus within international student research, especially with regard to international/host national relations. While a worthy area of study, we argue that the sheer volume of such research ... -
Mathematikangst bei angehenden frühpädagogischen Fachkräften: Bedeutsam für professionelles Wissen und Wahrnehmung von mathematischen Inhalten im Kita-Alltag?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Die Fähigkeit, mathematische Inhalte in Spielsituationen der Kindertagesstätte zu identifizieren, um diese für eine angemessene Förderung mathematischer Kompetenzen bei Kindern zu nutzen, kann als ein wesentlicher Bestandteil ... -
Evaluering av arbeidet med kvalitet i barnehagesektoren. TFoU-rapport 2019:9.
(Research report, 2019)Rapporten er en evaluering av kvalitetssystemet Kvalitet i barnehagen (KiB), gjennomført på oppdrag fra Utdanningsdirektoratet. Rapporten besvarer problemstillinger om hvordan barnehagene og de ulike forvaltningsnivåene i ... -
Følgeevaluering av kompetanse for fremtidens barnehage. Delrapport 4. TFoU-rapport 2019:5.
(Research report, 2019)Dette er den fjerde rapporten fra følgeevalueringen av strategien Kompetanse for fremtidens barnehage, med Utdanningsdirektoratet som oppdragsgiver. Rapporten tar for seg to tema: Innholdet i utdanningen Lederutdanning for ... -
The co-occurrence between symptoms of internet gaming disorder and psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence: prospective relations or common causes?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is highlighted as a condition for further study in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM‐5). Some studies indicate that IGD appears comorbid ... -
Using self-made automata to teach STEM in early childhood teacher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In recent decades, an increasing number of countries have integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) into their curricula for early childhood education and care (ECEC). In contrast to this trend, ... -
When Anger Arises in the Interaction with Children in Kindergartens – The Staff’s Reactions to Children’s Resistance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)