Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin - DMMH by Title
Now showing items 62-81 of 141
Herrenes historie, igjen?
(Journal article, 2018)Når noen av dagens voksne, kvinnelige historikere møtes, hender det at vi mimrer om vår egen tid som hovedfagsstudenter. Vi tenker tilbake på et historiefag som var sterkt mannsdominert. Det fantes få fast ansatte kvinnelige ... -
Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research
(Chapter, 2021)Welcome to the anthology Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research. This anthology is the second publication in the scholarly series MusPed:Research and concerns the field of higher education. The anthology ... -
«Hun er ikke så flink til å dele». En alternativ tilnærming til sosiale normer om deling i barnehagen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)At barn skal lære å dele med hverandre, er en del av barnehagens hverdag. Hva som menes med deling og hvordan sosiale normer om deling finner sted i barnehagen, risikerer derimot å bli tatt for gitt i hverdagen. Som forsker ... -
Hvilken rolle spiller fugler i bildebøker for barn, i lys av en økokritisk tilnærming?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)I barnelitteratur har fugler og barns forhold til natur lenge hatt en sentral plass. Premissene som ligger i bildebøker kan imidlertid ha betydning for barns forståelse for naturen og et bærekraftig samfunn. Både rammeplan ... -
Identifying and characterizing risky play in the age one-to-three years
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)While research has investigated risk-taking in play for children from the age of four years upwards, less is known of risky play with children under four years. A small-scale observational study with children from five ... -
Identifying and characterizing risky play in the age one-to-three years
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)While research has investigated risk-taking in play for children from the age of four years upwards, less is known of risky play with children under four years. A small-scale observational study with children from five ... -
The impact of exposure timing on embryo mortality and the partitioning of PAHs when cod eggs are exposed to dispersed and dissolved crude oil
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)During sub-sea oil spills to the marine environment, oil droplets will rise towards the sea surface at a rate determined by their density and diameter as well as the vertical turbulence in the water. Micro-droplets (< 50 ... -
The impact of social media use on appearance self-esteem from childhood to adolescence – A 3-wave community study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Social media users are extensively exposed to photographs displaying idealized self-presentations. This poses a potential threat to youth’s appearance self-esteem, but the negative impact may depend upon types ... -
The importance of preschool employees’ individual and shared opinions for 4–6-year-olds’ physical activity in preschool–in light of individual and collective identity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-03-28)Several studies emphasise the preschools’ impact on children’s physical activity, both socially and organisationally. Furthermore, higher levels of physical activity and cardiorespiratory function are associated with better ... -
Individual differences in children's movement variability in a virtual reality playground task
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Children's movements are highly complex, and thus require measurements that capture various gross motor strategies. This study examined whether aspects of individual differences in children's gross motor movement patterns ... -
Injuries in Norwegian early childhood and care (ECEC) institutions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Children’s play and exploration involves risk and a possibility for being injured. Early childhood and care institutions (ECECs) should provide children with physical challenges in a safe environment. Over the past years, ... -
Innendørs risikofylt lek – et bidrag til spenning og variasjon i barnehagens lekemiljøer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Risikofylt lek er en form for lek som kan bidra til både barns trivsel og utvikling, men som det er lite forsket på. I denne studien har vi undersøkt ulike aspekter ved risikofylt lek i barnehagers innemiljø. Studien baserer ... -
Interprofessional collaborative practices for children with speech, language and communication needs in early childhood education and care: comparing Dutch and Norwegian perspectives
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Interprofessional collaboration and practice (IPCP) is considered the cornerstone for effective service delivery for children with speech language and communication needs (SLCN). Following Stutsky and Spence Laschinger’s ... -
An Intervention to Increase Outdoor Play in Early Childhood Education Centers (PROmoting Early Childhood Outside): Protocol for a Pilot Wait-list Control Cluster Randomized Trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Participation in outdoor play has been extensively documented as beneficial for the health, well-being, and development of children. Canadian early childhood education centers (ECECs) are important settings ... -
Introduction: Co-creating a catalyst for sustainable development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for action by all countries to ensure that no one is left behind. It requires partnerships between governments, the private sector, and civil societies across ... -
"Jeg føler jeg står litt sånn imellom". Studenters grensekryssinger i arbeidsplassbasert barnehagelærerutdanning.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelens hensikt er å bidra til økt innsikt i faktorer som har betydning for at barnehagen skal fungere som læringsarena for studenter ved arbeidsplassbasert barnehagelærerutdanning (ABLU). ABLU-studenter arbeider i ... -
Key factors in facilitating collaborative research with children: A self-determination approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)User involvement in research has gained increased attention in recent decades. However, there is a lack of studies involving children as co-researchers, and particularly uncertainty regarding how to facilitate this type ... -
Kindergarten Children’s Perception about the Ecological Roles of Living Organisms
(Journal article, 2020)Young children will inherit the biosphere; therefore, it is crucial that they recognize the importance of all living organisms based on their intrinsic value and ecosystem function, not only on their “cuteness”. However, ... -
Kindergarten Teacher Students’ Knowledge Regarding Crucial Environmental Challenges
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Global warming and a decline in pollinating insects are among the most crucial challenges today and a sufficient degree of scientific literacy is required for citizens in order to understand these issues and take action ... -
Kindergartens: inclusive spaces for all children?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-09)Norwegian Kindergartens are seen as one of the most important social infrastructures for all children below five years. Kindergarten attendance is a legal right for children from the age of one year in Norway, and consequently ...