Blar i Publikasjoner fra Cristin - DMMH på tittel
Viser treff 101-120 av 156
Mapping Spontaneous Cooperation between Children in Automata Construction Workshops
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This work analyzes spontaneous cooperation between children who participated in Automata for STEM, European Union-funded Erasmus+ project workshops. Taking into account the characteristics of automata, that involve a ... -
Material as actor in the enactment of social norms: Engaging with a sociomaterial perspective in childhood studies to avoid the ‘traps of closure’
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article employs a sociomaterial perspective and explores how material artefacts take part in the enactment of social norms by analysing empirical examples from two different childhood studies projects in Norway. Drawing ... -
Mathematikangst bei angehenden frühpädagogischen Fachkräften: Bedeutsam für professionelles Wissen und Wahrnehmung von mathematischen Inhalten im Kita-Alltag?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Die Fähigkeit, mathematische Inhalte in Spielsituationen der Kindertagesstätte zu identifizieren, um diese für eine angemessene Förderung mathematischer Kompetenzen bei Kindern zu nutzen, kann als ein wesentlicher Bestandteil ... -
Med-koreografi og med-dramaturgi som diffraksjon – med som metodologisk agent for skapende og forskende prosesser i Baby Body
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Baby Body var et kunstnerisk forskningsprosjekt som resulterte i en forestilling med samme navn for de aller yngste barna (0-3 år). Fire kunstnere, av dem to kunstner-forskere, var særlig involvert i prosessen med å skape ... -
Men in early childhood education and care: on navigating a gendered terrain
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-09)Globally, the underrepresentation of men in the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workforce is ongoing and has been largely attributed to the construction of ECEC as ‘women’s work’. Men’s involvement in ECEC can ... -
Men’s career choices in early childhood education and care–an embodied intersectionality perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The workforce in early childhood education and care (ECEC) is highly gender-segregated with a majority of women. Gender-sensitive professionalization is regarded a way to recruit more men, but there is a call for more ... -
Nasjonal lederutdanning for styrere i barnehagen – en arena for kvalifisering, sosialisering og subjektivering
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I studien undersøker vi hvordan grensekryssingen mellom arbeidet og styrerutdanningen bidrar til kvalifisering, sosialisering og subjektivering i rollen som leder i barnehager. Det teoretiske rammeverket er Biestas (2014) ... -
Norwegian preschool children´s knowledge about some common wild animal species and their habitats
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-09)It is crucial that future generations have the knowledge about nature and the willingness to make right decisions for sustainable development, including the halt of global biodiversity loss. Perception of species and the ... -
Observasjones betydning i den profesjonelle praksis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Denne artikkelen presenterer tre barnehagelæreres forståelse rundt observasjon, og hvordan de bruker observasjon i egen profesjonelle praksis. Fremstillingen er i hovedsak basert på ulike teoretiske tanker fra Michel ... -
Outdoor activities promoting mental and physical health and well-being in Sámi Early Childhood Education and Care institutions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-10)This article explores the current situation of outdoor play for children in Sámi Early Childhood Education and Care institutions (ECECs) in Norway. The main objective is to discover how Sámi ECEC practices contribute to ... -
The Paradox of Documentation in Early Childhood Special Education in Finland and Norway: Exploring Discursive Tensions in the Public Debate.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-05)A child’s right to special educational support is often ensured through documentation, which, as an institutional practice, is consequential. We explore documentation as a policy solution in Finnish and Norwegian early ... -
Parodi og det imaginære Afrika i en lesning av Rumpemelk fra Afrika
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Denne artikkelen analyserer Erlend Loe og Alice Bjerknes Lima de Farias bildebok Rumpemelk fra Afrika (2012). Her foretar vi en tematisk analyse av det imaginære Afrika som presenteres gjennom hovedpersonens Afrika-reise. ... -
A performative paradigm for post-qualitative inquiry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this article, the authors explore and contribute to producing a performative research paradigm where post-qualitative as well as artistic research might dwell and breathe. Entering a thread of discussion that started ... -
Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors—Network (PLaTO‑Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: A recent dialogue in the feld of play, learn, and teach outdoors (referred to as “PLaTO” hereafter) demonstrated the need for developing harmonized and consensus-based terminology, taxonomy, and ontology for ... -
Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors—Network (PLaTO‑Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06-15)Background: A recent dialogue in the feld of play, learn, and teach outdoors (referred to as “PLaTO” hereafter) demonstrated the need for developing harmonized and consensus-based terminology, taxonomy, and ontology for ... -
Po/etisk pedagogisk ledelse for kvalitet gjennom skriving mot immanente vurderingspraksiser og tvilens og kroppens vitenskap og metoder
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Artikkelen handler om po/etisk pedagogisk ledelse og kvalitet i et posthumant perspektiv. Den handler om kroppslig kunnskap og viten. Ledelse mellom og omvendt. Sentralt står et ønske om å utvide vår forståelse av kritikk, ... -
Preschool children’s mathematical arguments in play‑based activities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-09)The present study examines the structure and mathematical content of children’s mathematical arguments as part of communication in play-based activities. It shows how Nordin and Boistrup’s (The Journal of Mathematical ... -
The presentation and self-presentation of mosques in Norwegian mediascapes: construction of ‘the good ones’
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Mosques in Norway are subjected to high levels of suspicion and scrutiny and have frequently been the target of negatively charged media narratives. When examined, though, much of this reporting, even from respected outlets, ... -
The Prevalence of Risky Play in Young Children’s Indoor and Outdoor Free Play
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Research on children’s risky play and young children’s risk taking is a relatively new research area that has drawn the attention of many researchers in the last decades. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, no earlier studies ... -
The Prevalence of Risky Play in Young Children’s Indoor and Outdoor Free Play
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Research on children’s risky play and young children’s risk taking is a relatively new research area that has drawn the attention of many researchers in the last decades. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, no earlier studies ...